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Category Archives: Health

How does weight gain affect your knees?

How does weight gain affect your knees?

People who are overweight or obese will have 3-4 times more pressure on their knee joints than their body weight while walking. Which increases the risk of knee injuries such as knee pain. Knee joint stiffness, or inability to use the knee joints to their full potential.

5 warning signs of “polycystic ovaries” in women

5 warning signs of “polycystic ovaries” in women

5 warning signs of “polycystic ovaries” in women. Irregular menstruation, obesity or potbelly, infertility problems may be suspected. You should come for a diagnosis and treatment. You should not buy medicine to take on your own.   Genetics may play a role in the increased

“Pui Leng” is a good vegetable with benefits but has hidden dangers.

“Pui Leng” is a good vegetable with benefits but has hidden dangers.

Spinach (or Amaranth) is another good and beneficial vegetable that. Thais and foreigners have long enjoyed eating (the real vegetable that gave Popeye energy was Amaranth, not spinach). Because Amaranth contains many vitamins and minerals. The body needs is easy to find, inexpensive, and tastes