“A lot of eye mucus” is a sign of disease that should not be overlooked.

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When we wake up in the morning, we may notice ” eye mucus ” stuck to the eyes and eyelashes. This is a normal thing that everyone can have. But if there is an unusual amount of eye mucus, it may be a sign of various diseases that we are suffering from. What are the hidden diseases that come with the symptoms of a lot of eye mucus? Come find the answer with Hello Doctor in this article.

A lot of eye mucus" is a sign of disease that should not be overlooked.

What causes “eye boogers”?

Eye mucus occurs when the secretions that coat the eyes dry up and become a film on the eyelids, eyelashes, and corners of the eyes. Eye mucus comes in many forms. It can be dry and lumpy, wet, sticky, thick, clear, or slightly yellowish. All of these are normal eye mucus.

Normally, our body produces mucus and oil to coat our eyes to help lubricate and keep them moist. When we blink, it helps remove excess mucus and oil that coats our eyes. However, when we sleep, we do not blink, causing excess secretions in our eyes to overflow around our eyes and dry up into eye mucus.

What kind of “eye mucus” is abnormal?

Having a small amount of eye mucus is considered normal and does not require treatment. However, some characteristics of eye mucus can be a sign of an abnormality in the สมัคร ufabet body,such as:

  • The mucus is thick, sticky, and green or dark yellow in color.
  • There was so much eye mucus that I could barely open my eyes.
  • There is eye mucus along with a lot of tears coming out.
  • Have blurred vision due to excessive eye mucus.
  • Eye discharge accompanied by eye swelling or redness
  • I feel like my eyes can’t stand light and I can’t see in bright light.

These symptoms are all signs of an eye disorder, which manifests itself in the form of excessive and unusual eye discharge. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor to find the real cause of these abnormalities.

Latent diseases that come with excessive eye mucus

1) Red eyes

Pink eye or conjunctivitis is one of the main reasons that cause us to have an abnormal amount of eye mucus. Pink eye symptoms are caused by a bacterial infection in the eyes, resulting in inflammation, red eyes, lots of tears, and a lot of eye mucus coming out as well

Common symptoms of pink eye include:

  • Swollen, red or pink eyes
  • Itching and burning sensation in the eyes
  • Tears flowing
  • There is cloudy, white, yellow or green mucus around the eye.

Pink eye usually goes away on its own within about 1-2 weeks or can be treated with antibiotics to deal with the bacteria that is causing the pink eye.

2) Blepharitis

Blepharitis  is often caused by a blockage of the oil glands near the eyelashes, causing irritation, redness, tearing, and excessive eye mucus.

This blepharitis is often a chronic condition and difficult to treat, but it is not contagious and does not affect vision in any way.

3) Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis or allergic conjunctivitis has similar symptoms to pink eye caused by a bacterial infection, but this condition occurs because of allergies. When the patient comes into contact with an allergen such as pollen, dust, or animal hair, it causes allergic symptoms such as:

  • conjunctivitis
  • Itchy eyes
  • Swollen eyes
  • Tears flowing
  • Lots of eye boogers

If you suspect that your eye mucus problem may be due to allergies, you should see a doctor to find out what you are allergic to. Or you can relieve the symptoms with antihistamines and artificial tears to help reduce eye irritation.